Tuesday, August 17, 2010

super dave's cow truck

this is super dave's cow truck. it was his uncles old dairy truck and in deference to his uncle, he adorned it thusly. notice the tail on the tailgate. there were also three giant flies on the hood (apparently no pictures exist of these). i don't know much about it but you can ask super.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

this is boob's 1968? VW van. we took this to the 1984 olympics in L.A. and to boston and new york in 1986. i don't know which trip this was because the three constants on the two trips were, in fact, boob, my brother chris and boob; and we're the three in the picture. do you think we could've worn shorter shorts?

my recollection is that in both trips, all boob spent on the van was for a new muffler somewhere in milwaukee. it just ran and ran.

somewhere between l.a. and vegas (it was 40 degrees and we were driving with the sliding door open as we almost always did when it was hot) we were stopped by the CHP - the stereotypical dude in aviator shades, a night stick and squeaking leather accessories - and he sidled up to the van. my brother chris was asleep on the floor with his bare feet stick out of the van. the patrolman took out his night stick and lightly tapped chris' feet. chris - who was still asleep - protested a little, not knowing it was a cop. the cop hit his feet a little harder until chris woke up, quite upset. the rest of us were watching this with a lot of enjoyment, knowing we weren't really in trouble. having said that, there was a cooler full of ice and beer on the floor right beside chris but it was early in the morning and nobody was drinking....yet.

chris finally realized it was a cop and we all had a good laugh.

Monday, August 09, 2010

1972 VW van

me and chris koop driving in downtown atlanta during the '96 olympics. cbc taped a whole evening with us - oh, and olympian michelle sawatsky - and of course, paid for the whole thing.
broken down in cincinnati, just off the freeway running through the city.

parked in downtown atlanta because we couldn't find a hotel room. win-win.

this is my 72 vw van. both pix taken either at or enroute to the atlanta olympics. the top picture shows me and chris koop trying to fix the accelerator cable just off the freeway in cincinnati. the second one is where we parked the van - right downtown atlanta during the olympics - to sleep. (you can't really notice the angle but there was one which caused us to roll out of our beds at night.)

this van also took deb and my folks to sarasota florida in 1996 for a visit. the sidewalls - is there were any - on the tires were so week i thought we were going to die on the freeway amid all the semis. blown from side to side - one blowout and we were all dead.

driving with my folks was like driving with kids. "did you pee? do you want something to drink?" and you know how kids see the golden arches and want to pull in? well my folks were like that with 'crackerbarrel.' we had to distract my mom, "look at those magnificent hills on the left mom." so she wouldn't see another crackerbarrel and beg for us to pull in to buy some more chachkees and eat more biscuits and gravy.